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The Water Publications Library is a growing, open access collection of documents relating to the work and research of the Water Group in the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and its predecessors.

The library contains both current and archived publications. It includes:

The publications are grouped in broad subject collections such as water science, floodplain management etc. Records also have information related to the publication such as topic, region, catchment. For more about our work visit the Water Website. If you have any questions or feedback about the Water Publications Library, please contact us.



The Browse option is available on the home page or from the drop down menu in the navigation bar. It allows you to go through a list of records in a specified order for either a collection or record field. Each option or field allows you to further filter the records using an index. You can also use the Discover options to further refine your search results. Not all records have the full set of fields.

You can:

Browse by Collection: This takes you through the broad subject level collections in alphabetical order.

Browse by Publication Date: This allows you to move through a list of all items in the Library in chronological order. You can select either Ascending (oldest first) or Descending (most recent first).  Please note that incomplete records in the Water Publications Library use the date 1900.  We are working on a project to upgrade these records.

Browse by Author: This allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all authors in the records in the Library.

Browse by Title This allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all titles in the Library.

Browse by Subject: This allows you to browse through an alphabetical list of subjects assigned to the records in the Library.

Browse by Publication: The Type field allows you to browse through an alphabetical list of publication types assigned to the records in the Library.

Browse by Region: This allows you to move through an alphabetical list of the regions in New South Wales such as the Border Rivers, Western or South Coast.  The major basins such as the Murray Darling Basin, the Great Artesian Basin and the Snowy River Basin are also included in this list. A region is assigned to a record where applicable.

Browse by Catchment: This allows you to move through an alphabetical list of some of the major catchments in New South Wales such as the Gwydir, Murray, Richmond or Snowy catchments.  A catchment is assigned to a record where applicable.

Browse by Series: This allows you to browse through an alphabetical list of the series or groups of publications.  A series can be:

Browse by Water Sharing Plan: This allows you to browse through an alphabetical list of the Water Sharing Plans used in New South Wales. 

Browse by Regional Water Strategy:This allows you to move through an alphabetical list of the Regional Water Strategies for New South Wales. 

Browse by Water Resource Plan: This allows you to move through an alphabetical list of the Water Resource Plans for New South Wales. 


To search all of the Library, use the search box at the top of the navigation bar on the right.

Search Box

You can also use the search box in the middle of the home page.

Search Box

To limit your search to a specific collection, navigate to that collection and use the search bar on that page.

Search Box

Here are some search hints.

The word(s) you enter in the search box will be searched against the title, author, subject, series, and other identifier fields of each record.

Your search word(s) will also be searched against the full text of all documents.

Certain words that occur frequently in English, but do not add value to the search will be ignored. These are:




Once you have a set of search results, you can further refine these using the Advance Search screen. You can also change the way search results are presented by modifying the number of results per page and how they are sorted (eg relevance, title, date) and in what order.

The Discover fields on the right hand side can be used to further refine your results by subject, region or catchment.

Use an asterisk (*) after a word stem to get all hits having words starting with that root, for example:

plan* will retrieve plans, planning, planned etc.

The search will automatically expand words with common endings to include plurals, past tenses etc.

Advance Search Tips

Phrase Searching
To search using multiple words as a phrase, put quotation marks (") around the phrase. For example, the following search will retrieve records where the phrase “groundwater strategy” has been used in the publication or record.

Exact word match
Put a plus (+) sign before a word if it MUST appear in the search result. For example, in the following search the word 'spring' is optional, but the word 'groundwater' must be in the result.

Eliminate items with unwanted words
Put a minus (-) sign before a word if it should not appear in the search results. Alternatively, you can use the word NOT. This can limit your search to eliminate unwanted hits. For instance, in the following search you will get records containing the word 'groundwater', except those that also contain the word 'bore'.

Boolean searching

The following Boolean operators can be used to combine terms. Note that they must be capitalized.

AND: - Use to limit searches to find items containing all words or phrases combined with this operator, For example, the following search will retrieve all items that contain BOTH the words 'groundwater' and 'bore'.

OR: - Use to enlarge searches to find items containing any of the words or phrases surrounding this operator. For example, the following search will retrieve all items that contain EITHER the words 'groundwater' or 'aquifer'.

NOT - :To exclude items containing a specific word, use NOT as the operator. For example, the following search will retrieve all items that contain the word 'groundwater' EXCEPT those also containing the word 'bore'. This is the same as using a minus (-) sign before a word.


Parentheses can be used in the search query to group search terms into sets, and operators can then be applied to the whole set. For example,

(groundwater OR aquifer) AND (springs OR bores)

The above example combines all the records which have the words 'groundwater' or 'aquifer', with all the records that have the words 'springs' or 'bores'.


You may register and create your own profile if you would like to subscribe to a collection and receive e-mail updates when new records are added or existing records changed.

Using the drop down menu, select My Profile.

Before you log in for the first time, you will need to click on "New User?” and follow the instructions to register. You will need to enter your e-mail address, and then once you receive the registration email, click on the verification link. (Check your Junk email folder if you don’t receive the email).

When you create your password, please use a new unique set of letters, numbers and symbols. Please do not reuse an existing password. Please note it is case sensitive. Once you have completed your registration, be sure to click on the 'log in' button to continue.

Please note that you do not have to create a profile to use the Water Publications Library.


This page allows you to change the information we have for you. You must be authenticated with your log-in to change any of your personal information.


Users can subscribe to receive daily e-mail alerts of new publications added to a Collection, or when a record is changed. Users may subscribe to as many collections as they wish. To subscribe:



For help with using Water Publications Library please contact us.