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Browsing by Series General Purpose Water Accounting Report for the Lower Darling Catchment

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Account balance summaries 2021-2022- 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2010-2011.pdf.jpg2012General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2010-2011Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Nguyen, K.; Ali, A.; Petrovic, J. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2011-2012.pdf.jpg2013General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2011-2012Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Nguyen, K.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2012-2013.pdf.jpg2013General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2012-2013Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2013-2014.pdf.jpg2014General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2013-2014Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2014-2015.pdf.jpg2016General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2014-2015Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Ali, A.; Petrovic, J. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2015-2016.pdf.jpg2017General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2015-2016Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2016-2017.pdf.jpg2018General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2016-2017Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A.; Nicholls, D.; Ching, M. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2017-2018.pdf.jpg2019General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2017-2018Burrell, M.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A.; Nicholls, D.; Ching, M. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2018-2019.pdf.jpg2020General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2018-2019Burrell, M.; Moss, P.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A.; Nicholls, D.; Ching, M. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2019-20.pdf.jpg2021General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2019-20Burrell, M.; Petrovic, J.; Ali, A.; Nicholls, D.; Ching, M.; Ooi, X. 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Report_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2020-21.pdf.jpg2022General Purpose Water Accounting Report - Lower Darling Catchment 2020-21- 
General_Purpose_Water_Accounting_Statement_-_Lower_Darling_Catchment_2021-22.pdf.jpg2023General Purpose Water Accounting Statement - Lower Darling Catchment 2021-22-