Welcome to the Water Publications Library. The library is a growing, open access collection of documents relating to the work and research of the Water Group in the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The library includes current and archived publications. Our archived publications may no longer be current, but have been assessed as containing relevant or useful information. For more information about our current work visit the Water Website. If you have any questions or feedback about the Water Publications Library, please contact us

Browsing by Series Groundwater science report

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021_Review_of_groundwater_levels_in_alluvial_groundwater_sources_of_inland_NSW.pdf.jpg20212021 Review of groundwater levels in alluvial groundwater sources of inland NSW- 
Characterisation_of_hydrogeochemistry_and_risks_to_groundwater_quality.pdf.jpg2011Characterisation of hydrogeochemistry and risks to groundwater qualityMcLean, W.; Brown, S.; Scarff, S.; Rochford, L. 
Cockburn_River_Groundwater_and_Surface_Water_Connectivity_Study.pdf.jpg2021Cockburn River Groundwater and Surface Water Connectivity Study- 
Cockburn_River_Groundwater_and_Surface_Water_Connectivity_Study_-_progress_report.pdf.jpg2021Cockburn River Groundwater and Surface Water Connectivity Study - progress report- 
Evaluation of the Cap and Pipe the Bores Program.pdf.jpg2016Evaluation of the Cap and Pipe the Bores Program- 
Great_Artesian_Basin_Springs_Conceptualisation_in_NSW.pdf.jpg2021Great Artesian Basin Springs Conceptualisation in NSWHutton, K.; McIntyre, T. 
Ground_displacements_in_the_Lower_Namoi_region.pdf.jpg2020Ground displacements in the Lower Namoi regionCastellazzi, P.; Schmid, W. 
Ground_displacements_over_alluvial_aquifers_in_Southern_Inland_New_South_Wales.pdf.jpg2021Ground displacements over alluvial aquifers in Southern Inland New South WalesCastellazzi, P.; Schmid, W.; Fu, G. 
Groundwater_science_research_priorities_2022.pdf.jpg2022Groundwater science research priorities 2022- 
Hydrogeology_and_ecology_survey_of_the_Great_Artesian_Basin_springs_in_NSW.pdf.jpg2021Hydrogeology and ecology survey of the Great Artesian Basin springs in NSWRumpf, C.; Thompson, J.; Coleman, D.; Bowen, S.; Haeusler, T. 
Impact_of_groundwater_pumping_on_stacked_water_sources.pdf.jpg2011Impact of groundwater pumping on stacked water sources- 
Lower_Gwydir_Groundwater_Source_water_level_review_2022.pdf.jpg2022Lower Gwydir Groundwater Source water level review 2022- 
Lower_Murray_Groundwater_Source_preliminary_analysis_of_the_influence_of_groundwater_extraction_on_water_quality_2003-2015.pdf.jpg2022Lower Murray Groundwater Source preliminary analysis of the influence of groundwater extraction on water quality 2003-2015- 
lower-murrumbidgee-groundwater sources 2005 to 2018.pdf.jpg2023Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater Sources - Preliminary analysis of the influence of groundwater extraction on water quality 2005-2018- 
Lower_Namoi_Groundwater_Source_preliminary_analysis_of_influence_of_groundwater_extraction_on_water_quality_2003-2019.pdf.jpg2021Lower Namoi Groundwater Source preliminary analysis of influence of groundwater extraction on water quality 2003-2019- 
Maroota_Extractive_Industry_Groundwater_Study.pdf.jpg2018Maroota Extractive Industry Groundwater StudyLawson, S. 
Methods_for_the_identification_of_high_probability_groundwater_dependent_vegetation_ecosystems.pdf.jpg2016Methods for the identification of high probability groundwater dependent vegetation ecosystems- 
A_Review_of_Groundwater-Surface_Water_Connectivity_in_the_Cockburn_Alluvium_Management_Zone.pdf.jpg2019A Review of Groundwater-Surface Water Connectivity in the Cockburn Alluvium Management Zone- 
Upper_and_Lower_Namoi_groundwater_sources_2021_Groundwater_level_review.pdf.jpg2022Upper and Lower Namoi groundwater sources 2021 Groundwater level review- 
Upper_Lachlan_Alluvial_Groundwater_Source_2021_Groundwater_level_review.pdf.jpg2022Upper Lachlan Alluvial Groundwater Source 2021 Groundwater level review-