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Browsing by Subject Macroinvertebrates

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
The_effect_of_Mowamba_River_and_Jindabyne_Dam_environmental_flow_releases_on_macroinvertebrate_assemblages_in_the_Snowy_River_2000-2008.pdf.jpg2012The effect of Mowamba River and Jindabyne Dam environmental flow releases on macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Snowy River 2000-2008Russell, M.; Brooks, A.; Williams, S. 
Impact_of_the_2002-03_wildfires_on_the_macroinvertebrate_assemblages_of_the_Snowy_River_catchment_2008.pdf.jpg2008Impact of the 2002-03 wildfires on the macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Snowy River catchmentRussell, M.; Brooks, A.; Williams, S. 
2021The influence of unregulated tributaries on macroinvertebrate communities in a regulated riverColeman, D.; Brooks, A.; MacRae, L.; Haeusler, T. 
Integrated_monitoring_of_environmental_flows_-_Method_20_-_Wetland_macroinvertebrate_sampling.pdf.jpg2001Integrated monitoring of environmental flows - Method 20 - Wetland macroinvertebrate samplingChessman, B.; Hardwick, L.; Driver, P. 
Integrated_monitoring_of_environmental_flows_-_Scientific_and_Technical_Operating_Procedures_-_Operations_Manual_-_Lachlan_Valley.pdf.jpg2009Integrated monitoring of environmental flows - Scientific and Technical Operating Procedures - Operations Manual - Lachlan ValleyChessman, B.; Driver, P.; Thurtell, L. 
Integrated_monitoring_of_environmental_flows_-_Scientific_and_Technical_Operating_Procedures_-_Operations_Manual_-_Macquarie_Valley.pdf.jpg2006Integrated monitoring of environmental flows - Scientific and Technical Operating Procedures - Operations Manual - Macquarie ValleyChessman, B.; Burton, C.; Driver, P.; Grimes, S.; Kidson, R.; Knight, C. 
Integrated_monitoring_of_environmental_flows_-_State_summary_report_1998-2000.pdf.jpg2003Integrated monitoring of environmental flows - State summary report 1998-2000- 
Linking_changes_in_flow_to_changes_in_macroinvertebrates_2020.pdf.jpg2020Linking changes in flow to changes in macroinvertebrates- 
Monitor_Unregulated_Rivers_Macroinvertebrates.pdf.jpg1900Monitor Unregulated Rivers Macroinvertebrates- 
Recovery_of_macroinvertebrate_communities_after_environmental_flows_to_the_Snowy_River_below_Jindabyne_2000_-_2016_2020.pdf.jpg2020Recovery of macroinvertebrate communities after environmental flows to the Snowy River below Jindabyne 2000 - 2016- 
Representativeness_and_efficiency_of_a_laboratory_sub-sampling_method_for_the_Snowy_River_macroinvertebrate_samples_2008.pdf.jpg2008Representativeness and efficiency of a laboratory sub-sampling method for the Snowy River macroinvertebrate samplesRussell, M. 
Response_of_aquatic_macroinvertebrates_to_the_first_environmental_flow_regime_in_the_Snowy_River_recovery_2007.pdf.jpg2007Response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to the first environmental flow regime in the Snowy River recovery 2007Brooks, A.; Russell, M.; Bevitt, R. 
The_role_of_Cease-to-pump_rules_in_protecting_macroinvertebrates_in_riffles_and_runs_in_the_Gwydir_Unregulated_rivers_water_sharing_plan_2020.pdf.jpg2020The role of cease-to-pump rules in protecting macroinvertebrates in riffles and runs in the Gwydir Unregulated Rivers Water Sharing Plan-