Welcome to the Water Publications Library. The library is a growing, open access collection of documents relating to the work and research of the Water Group in the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The library includes current and archived publications. Our archived publications may no longer be current, but have been assessed as containing relevant or useful information. For more information about our current work visit the Water Website. If you have any questions or feedback about the Water Publications Library, please contact us

Browsing by Subject Water dependent fauna

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Changes_in_fish_assemblages_after_the_first_flow_releases_to_the_Snowy_River_downstream_of_Jindabyne_Dam.pdf.jpg2008Changes in fish assemblages after the first flow releases to the Snowy River downstream of Jindabyne Dam.Gilligan, D.; Williams, S. 
The_diets_of_native_fish_in_NSW.pdf.jpg2022The diets of native fish in NSWWood, B.; Coleman, D.; Brooks, A. 
Water_dependent_fauna_-_Environmental_Outcomes_Monitoring_and_Research_Program_Annual_Report_2021-_2022_2023.pdf.jpg2023Environmental Outcomes Monitoring and Research Program Annual Report 2021-2022 - Water dependent fauna- 
Environmental Outcomes Monitoring and Research Program Annual Report 2022-2024 - Water dependent fauna.pdf.jpg2024Environmental Outcomes Monitoring and Research Program Report 2022-2024 - Water dependent faunaColeman, D.; Ryan, D.; Svozil, D.; Balzer, M.; Wood, R.; MacRae, L.; O’Hea Miller, S.; Parsons, D.; Haeusler, T.; Lewis, A.; Van Den Broek, J.; Helfensdorfer, A.; Healey, M.; Thurtell, L.; Cairns, J.; Bowen, S.; Brooks, A. 
Frogs_and_flows_Research_update_-_prioritising_stream_frogs_for_environmental_outcomes_monitoring_2023.pdf.jpg2023Frogs and flows. Research update - prioritising stream frogs for environmental outcomes monitoringWood, R.; Parsons, D.; Healey, M.; Coleman, D. 
The_impacts_of_bushfires_on_freshwater_ecosystems.pdf.jpg2024The impacts of bushfires on freshwater ecosystems- 
Impacts of bushfires on freshwater ecosystems and potential water management options - a literature review.pdf.jpg2024Impacts of bushfires on freshwater ecosystems and potential water management options - a literature review- 
Native_fish_benefits_from_the_North-west_flow_event_in_2020.pdf.jpg2020Native fish benefits from the north-west flow event in 2020- 
Review_of_freshwater_turtle_ecology_and_flow.pdf.jpg2022Review of freshwater turtle ecology and flow - literature reviewDeeth, C.; Coleman, D. 
Spawning_preferences_and_the_effects_of_water_extraction_on_the-Eel-tailed_Catfish.pdf.jpg2020Spawning preferences and the effects of water extraction on the-Eel-tailed Catfish- 
Turtles_and_flows_Water_requirements_of_the_Bell’s_Turtle_(Myuchelys_bellii).pdf.jpg2023Turtles and flows - Water requirements of the Bell’s Turtle (Myuchelys bellii)Coleman, D.; Wood, R.; Streeting, L. 
Use_of_riffle_and_run_habitat_by_native_fish_in_the_Murray-Darling_Basin.pdf.jpg2020Use of riffle and run habitat by native fish in the Murray-Darling Basin-