Welcome to the Water Publications Library. The library is a growing, open access collection of documents relating to the work and research of the Water Group in the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The library includes current and archived publications. For more about our work visit the Water Website. If you have any questions or feedback about the Water Publications Library, please contact us

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Water in NSW is managed to provide a secure water supply, support economic growth, the environment and our communities.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Water_purchasing_programs_-_Vulnerability_potential_impacts_and_program_design_options.pdf.jpg2024Water purchasing programs - Vulnerability, potential impacts, and program design options- 
NSW_Alternatives_to_buybacks_plan_-_Delivering_on_our_commitments_to_implement_the_Basin_Plan_in_full.pdf.jpg2024NSW Alternatives to buybacks plan - Delivering on our commitments to implement the Basin Plan in full- 
Public_consultation_on_the_proposed_new_method_to_calculate_the_value_of_water_taken_illegally.pdf.jpg2024Public consultation on the proposed new method to calculate the value of water taken illegally- 
Proposed_new_method_to_calculate_the_value_of_water_taken_illegally.pdf.jpg2024Proposed new method to calculate the value of water taken illegally- 
Proposed_approach_for_enabling_access_to_water_for_bushfire_preparedness_and_firefighting.pdf.jpg2024Proposed approach for enabling access to water for bushfire preparedness and firefighting- 
Aboriginal_Cultural_Values_of_the_Macquarie_Marshes_and_Gwydir_Wetlands_Archaeological_Component.pdf.jpg2010Aboriginal Cultural Values of the Macquarie Marshes and Gwydir Wetlands - Archaeological Component- 
Aboriginal_Cultural_Values_of_the_Macquarie_Marshes_and_Gwydir_Wetlands_Oral_History_Component.pdf.jpg2010Aboriginal Cultural Values of the Macquarie Marshes and Gwydir Wetlands - oral history component- 
NSW_Strategic_Water_Information_and_Monitoring_Plan_-_Water_inventory_and_observation_networks_in_New_South_Wales.pdf.jpg2009NSW Strategic Water Information and Monitoring Plan - Water inventory and observation networks in New South WalesMalone, D.; Torrible, L.; Hayes, J. 
NSW_Strategic_Water_Information_and_Monitoring_Plan_-_Final_report.pdf.jpg2009NSW Strategic Water Information and Monitoring Plan - Final reportMalone, D.; Torrible, L.; Hayes, J. 
2022Non-Urban Water Metering Reform Southern Inland Roadshow ReportRossiter, S. 
2018What We Heard - NSW Water Metering Consultation- 
Independent_Expert_Panel_for_Mining_in_the_Catchment_-_Initial_report.pdf.jpg2018Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment - Initial report on specific mining activities at the Metropolitan and Dendrobium coal mines- 
NSW_Government_response_to_the_Independent_review_into_the_2023_fish_deaths_in_the_Darling-Baaka_River_at_Menindee.pdf.jpg2023NSW Government response to the Independent review into the 2023 fish deaths in the Darling-Baaka River at Menindee- 
Independent_Expert_Panel_for_Mining_in_the_Catchment_-_NSW_Department_of_Industry_Water_submission.pdf.jpg2019Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment - NSW Department of Industry Water submission- 
Independent_Expert_Panel_for_Mining_in_the_Catchment_Report_-_Part_2_-_Coal_mining_impacts_in_the_special_areas_of_the_Greater_Sydney_Water_Catchment.pdf.jpg2019Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment Report - Part 2 - Coal mining impacts in the special areas of the Greater Sydney Water Catchment- 
Independent_Expert_Panel_for_Mining_in_the_Catchment_Report_-_Part_1_-_Review_of_specific_mining_activities_at_the_Metropolitan_and_Dendrobium_coal_mines.pdf.jpg2019Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment Report - Part 1 - Review of specific mining activities at the Metropolitan and Dendrobium coal mines- 
Independent_Expert_Panel_for_Mining_in_the_Catchment_-_Progress_report_on_Term_of_Reference_1.pdf.jpg2018Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment - Progress report on Term of Reference 1- 
Review_of_material_relating_to_extraction_of_water_from_“water_veins”.pdf.jpg2015Review of material relating to extraction of water from “water veins”- 
On_measuring_the_cumulative_impacts_of_activities_which_impact_ground_and_surface_water_in_the_Sydney_Water_Catchment.pdf.jpg2014On measuring the cumulative impacts of activities which impact ground and surface water in the Sydney Water Catchment- 
Independent_review_of_the_impacts_of_the_bottled_water_industry_on_groundwater_resources_in_the_Northern_Rivers_region_of_NSW_-_initial_report.pdf.jpg2019Independent review of the impacts of the bottled water industry on groundwater resources in the Northern Rivers region of NSW - initial report- 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37