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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.publisherNSW Department of Primary Industries - Office of Wateren
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWater archive 7.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStatus and Issues paper for Water Resource Planen
dc.titleNSW Great Artesian Basin Shallow Water Resource Plan - Groundwater (GW13) - Status and Issues Paper - 4 August 2017en
dc.coverage.regionGreat Artesian Basinen
dc.coverage.catchmentNorth-western catchmenten
dc.subject.topicGreat Artesian Basinen
dc.subject.topicMurray Darling Basinen
dc.subject.topicAboriginal cultural valuesen
dc.subject.topicGroundwater, bores and springsen
dc.subject.topicGroundwater dependent ecosystemen
dc.subject.topicWater qualityen
dc.relation.ispartofwrpNSW Great Artesian Basin Shallow Water Resource Planen
dc.rights.copyright©State of New South Walesen
dc.rights.copyrightProper attribution of authorship and correct citation details should be given.en
Appears in Collections:Water Resource Plans

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