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Water Resource Plans : [56] Collection home page

Water Resource Plans are needed to manage water in the Murray Darling Basin. Each water resource plan area has different resources, environmental assets, development and geography. They are developed to achieve the right balance of community, environmental, economic and cultural outcomes.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 56 of 56
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Water_Sharing_Plan_-_Peel_Regulated_River_Water_Source_2020_-_Amended.pdf.jpg2020Water Sharing Plan - Peel Regulated River Water Source 2020 - Amended- 
Water_Sharing_Plan_-_Namoi_and_Peel_Unregulated_Rivers_Water_Sources_2012_-_Amended.pdf.jpg2012Water Sharing Plan - Namoi and Peel Unregulated Rivers Water Sources 2012 - Amended- 
Water_Sharing_Plan_-_Upper_Namoi_and_Lower_Namoi_Regulated_River_Water_Sources_2020_-_Submitted_to_MDBA.pdf.jpg2020Water Sharing Plan - Upper Namoi and Lower Namoi Regulated River Water Sources 2020 - Submitted to Murray Darling Basin Authority- 
Namoi_Surface_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Public_submissions.pdf.jpg2019Namoi Surface Water Resource Plan - Public submissions- 
Namoi_Surface_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Outcomes_from_consultation.pdf.jpg2020Namoi Surface Water Resource Plan - Outcomes from consultation- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Frequently_asked_questions.pdf.jpg2018Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Frequently asked questions- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Groundwater-dependent_ecosystems.pdf.jpg2018Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Groundwater-dependent ecosystems- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Relationship_between_the_water_resource_plan_and_water_sharing_plan.pdf.jpg2018Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Relationship between the water resource plan and water sharing plan- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Proposed_changes_to_groundwater_sharing_plans.pdf.jpg2018Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Proposed changes to groundwater sharing plans- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Groundwater_resource_description_-_Appendix_A.pdf.jpg2019Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Groundwater resource description - Appendix A- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Water_quality_management_plan_-_Schedule_F.pdf.jpg2019Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Water quality management plan - Schedule F- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Draft_Incident_Response_Guide_-_Schedule_E.pdf.jpg2019Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Draft Incident Response Guide - Schedule E- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Risk_assessment_-_Area_GW14_-_Schedule_D.pdf.jpg2019Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Risk assessment - Area GW14 - Schedule D- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Consultation_report_-_Schedule_C_-_Draft.pdf.jpg2018Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Consultation report - Schedule C - Draft- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_area_GW14.pdf.jpg2019Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan area GW14- 
Namoi_Alluvium_Water_Resource_Plan_-_Outcomes_of_public_exhibition.pdf.jpg2020Namoi Alluvium Water Resource Plan - Outcomes of public exhibition- 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 56 of 56