Welcome to the Water Publications Library. The library is a growing, open access collection of documents relating to the work and research of the Water Group in the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The library includes current and archived publications. For more about our work visit the Water Website. If you have any questions or feedback about the Water Publications Library, please contact us

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Before you take, use, trade water using a licence, or start work on waterfront land in NSW, you need all necessary licences and approvals. Learn more about how we manage these.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewPublication DateTitleAuthor(s)
ACCC_Murray-Darling_Basin_Water_Markets_Inquiry_-_Interim_report.pdf.jpg2020Murray-Darling Basin Water Markets Inquiry - Interim report- 
ACCC_Murray-Darling_Basin_Water_Markets_Inquiry_-_NSW_preliminary_comments.pdf.jpg2020ACCC Murray-Darling Basin Water Markets Inquiry - NSW preliminary comments on options in the ACCCs Interim Report- 
Review_of_the_Interim_Report_of_the_ACCC_Water_Markets_Inquiry.pdf.jpg2020Review of the Interim Report of the ACCC Water Markets Inquiry - Independent review of implications for the NSW GovernmentGormly, R.; Finn, W.; Olszak, C. 
NSW_submission_-_ACCC_inquiry_into_Murray-Darling_Basin_water_markets.pdf.jpg2020NSW submission in response to the ACCC inquiry into Murray-Darling Basin water markets Interim report- 
ACCC_-_Murray-Darling_Basin_Water_Markets_Inquiry_-_Final_report.pdf.jpg2021Murray-Darling Basin Water Markets Inquiry - Final report- 
ACCC_-_Murray-Darling_Basin_Water_Markets_Inquiry_-_Guide_to_the_final_report.pdf.jpg2021Murray-Darling Basin Water Markets Inquiry - Guide to the final report- 
Water_market_transparency_consultation_-_Update_on_engagement_and_community_feedback.pdf.jpg2021Water market transparency consultation - Update on engagement and community feedback- 
Water_Reform_-_Transparency_in_the_NSW_water_market_-_Discussion_paper.pdf.jpg2020Water Reform - Transparency in the NSW water market - Discussion paper- 
What_We_Heard_Report_-_Water_Reform_Action_Plan_-_Community_consultation.pdf.jpg2018What We Heard Report - Water Reform Action Plan - Community consultation- 
Trading_water_allocations_-_Form_for_local_water_utilities_to_provide_additional_information.pdf.jpg2020Trading water allocations - Form for local water utilities to provide additional information- 
Peel-Namoi_Inter-Valley_Trade_Review_Report.pdf.jpg2021Peel-Namoi Inter-Valley Trade Review ReportSimpson, P. 
Trading water allocations - Factsheet for local water utilities.pdf.jpg2020Trading water allocations - Factsheet for local water utilities- 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12