Welcome to the Water Publications Library. The library is a growing, open access collection of documents relating to the work and research of the Water Group in the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The library includes current and archived publications. Our archived publications may no longer be current, but have been assessed as containing relevant or useful information. For more information about our current work visit the Water Website. If you have any questions or feedback about the Water Publications Library, please contact us

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Collections in this Water Publications Library


Allocations and Availability [158]

We use rules to distribute available surface and groundwater resources sustainably and fairly. We also ensure that water entitlements and allocations are secure and tradeable.


Available Water Determination Orders and Water Allocation Statements [64]

Current Available Water Determination Orders and Water Allocation Statements are available on the Water Website. This collection contains historical Available Water Determination Orders, Water Allocation Statements and Supplementary Water Access Authorisation Orders. Available Water Determination Orders outline how much water licensed users can extract. Water Allocation Statements are issued to confirm the sharing of available water for a specific water source or to announce an increase in an allocation to a licence category.


Communications and Engagement [421]

Using newsletters, updates and presentations, we work to inform, consult and engage with the various communities in NSW on our policies, plans, strategies and projects.


Corporate [28]

Corporate publications include documents related to the department as a whole.


Floodplain Management [43]

Floodplain management involves the identification and management of existing and natural flooding regimes, associated flood works, the ecological benefits of flooding, and the risks to life and property from floods.


Historical Documents [33]

The NSW Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission came into being in 1916, and since then we have produced a wide range of publications. As these historical documents are scanned, we will add them to the library.


Licensing and Trade [13]

Before you take, use, trade water using a licence, or start work on waterfront land in NSW, you need all necessary licences and approvals. Learn more about how we manage these licences and approvals.


Plans and Strategies [17]

The department prepares and consults on a range of plans and strategies to plan and manage the water needs of NSW. These include the NSW Water Strategy, the Groundwater Strategy, the Aboriginal Water Strategy, and two Metropolitan water plans.


Policy [19]

The work of the Water Group is guided by a set of key policies and guidelines.


Projects and Programs [16]

The department is responsible for delivering a range of water projects and programs.


Regional Water Strategies [168]

Regional Water Strategies set out a long-term ‘roadmap’ for managing the water needs of NSW. These include water security and quality for local communities, improving environmental water systems, and protecting Aboriginal water rights.


Water Archive [547]

The Water Archive is a collection of publications that are no longer current but have been assessed as containing sufficient relevant or useful content to remain publicly available online. The records in this collection are being continually updated. The Publication Date of 1900 is used as a placeholder, until the record is completed.


Water Infrastructure [75]

Water infrastructure such as dams, pipelines, treatment plants, and other utilities, and projects such as bore capping in the Great Artesian Basin, are developed, built and maintained to provide water sustainability, safety and security to communities and the environment.


Water Management [37]

Water in NSW is managed to provide a secure water supply, support economic growth, the environment and our communities.


Water Resource Plans [56]

Water Resource Plans are needed to manage water in the Murray Darling Basin. Each water resource plan area has different resources, environmental assets, development and geography. They are developed to achieve the right balance of community, environmental, economic and cultural outcomes.


Water Science [357]

Water is a limited resource and must be managed both for immediate needs and for long-term economic and environmental sustainability. Our science unpins our decisions on how best to manage water in NSW.


Water Sharing Plans [101]

Water Sharing Plans set the rules for sharing water for social, economic and agricultural use, cultural use and the environment. They cover both surface water and groundwater systems, with each plan covering a specific area.